At Haras du Morne,
we pride ourselves on creating an inclusive environment.


A true love story

Over 20 years ago, by choice, the Haras du Morne was created by Madame Sultana GALLION to save racehorses that were destined for the slaughterhouse. The Haras du Morne employs around fifteen local Mauritians to give these young, vigorous athletes a new lease of life: grooms, equestrian instructors, administrative staff and management. The Haras du Morne offers its equestrian services to Mauritians and guests of neighboring hotels.

Madame Sultana GALLION also makes her equestrian center available to autistic children, disabled children and children from nearby villages, who are delighted to spend time with the horses. As you can see, the Haras du Morne's priorities are hospitality and human values. You may come by chance, but you'll surely come back by choice!

Equitherapy, healing with horses

You don't need a diploma to experience equitherapy. It's above all a state of mind: either you have the gift or you don't. You just have to have lived with horses long enough to get the feeling and receive the practice. Of course, you have to love them; they're beings in their own right.

The session begins with calm, listening, looking, moving, amplitude, everything the horse does. It's a unique, enormous relationship!

The horse knows that we need this relationship that's being created, it's a real communication between two living beings who need each other, even if to tell the truth, I think we need the horse more than he needs us...


Discover Le Morne,
listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Our heritage