Learn to dream again at the gallop!
Discover horse riding in a different way, like nowhere else. Exceptional horses for everyone.

Our activities

Between Earth ...

Explore this wild corner of the island on horseback, offering another original way to enjoy a stroll along the beach.


Et Mer!

Here, the silence is filled with the songs of Mascarene birds and the dance of trees in the wind.

Between the mountains and the sea,
our stables lie between the gray hues of Le Morne's mountainous rock, the white sandy beach and lush green nature.

Our stud farm

Every horse has a story.
story of our horses began far beyond the borders of Mauritius. These young horses, retired from major international races, now pass on the tranquillity of Le Morne.

For your pleasure and safety, the horses are trained and supervised by professionals with a long track record in show jumping and dressage.

Our horses

Unique moments of sharing that are a must!

A magnificent walk along the beach with beautiful, well-kept horses and a large number of attentive staff! Transfer from nearby hotels! A must for all types of riders!
From beginner to experienced rider!


Le Haras du Morne,
welcoming and inclusive setting

At Haras du Morne, we pride ourselves on creating an inclusive environment where every child, whatever their background, is welcomed with warmth and encouragement. We believe in a future where all children in the village of Le Morne can reach their full potential, and we're honored to be part of that journey.

Our open day
Solidarity Day

Our flagship partners

Our flagship partners